Thursday, October 31, 2019

Request for proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Request for proposal - Essay Example There are diverse set of foods provided by Chipotle from which various customers would choose. The brand will be appealing to different travellers at FLL Airport Clients at the airport demand quick services, an aspect that Chipotle promises to deliver. Its four-step plan is a robust package to reduce delays. The company runs nearly 350 transactions per hour at its fastest restaurants to ensure fast service to its clients. The company has employed expediters, personnel to coordinate rolling of the burrito and coordination of the order by getting drinks to the customer. Part of the staff, linebackers, patrols the countertops to ensure seamless service provision to the customers. The â€Å"Mise en place† policy ensures zero tolerance to absolutely nothing in place for the customer during peak hours. At Chipotle, the â€Å"Aces in their places† policy is effective and functional. The policy ensures that only top serves operate during peak hours (Ferdman 1). In essence, at Chipotle, a burrito can be prepared and ready to serve in less than 2 minutes (mikem301s12 1). Chipotle regards consumers’ health as a vital factor and part of its service delivery considerations. Its fast foods are health-conscious and conform to set standards set main regulatory institutions and bodies. Chipotle will uphold regular inspection of its fast foods to ensure compliance with required levels of value and accreditation standards. Furthermore, the personnel at Chipotle are qualified to provide the services required by diverse consumers of fast food and travellers at the airport (Bhasin 1). Bhasin, Kim. How Chipotles Assembly Line Makes Your Burrito So Ridiculously Fast. Business Insider. April 23, 2012. Web. Web. April 19, 2015. Ferdman, Roberto. How Chipotle is going to serve burritos faster, and faster, and faster. Quatz. February 1, 2014. Web. April 19, 2015.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Industrial V.S. Pastoral Essay Example for Free

Industrial V.S. Pastoral Essay No other book has ever made me want to be a farmer more (or at all) than The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. No other book has placed such a dark cloud of doom and gloom over such a seemingly simple topic such as food production. I’m of course not talking about two identical models. One model is of industrial agriculture contrasted by pastoral agriculture. In his research Michael Pollan visited farms of both styles, got to know the onsite operations, followed the food to its ultimate destination, and finally ate a meal created with the very ingredients he spent a week investigating. Michael describes the farm owned by George Naylor, which is of the industrial model, as being fairly easy in terms of manual labor but extremely difficult in the detective work. Detective work usually isn’t something that gets brought up often when talking about farms; here it is referring to the journalistic tracking that Michael Pollan had to do with Mr. Naylor’s staple crop corn. The difficulty in following a bushel of corn from the Naylor farm is his corn, along with the majority of corn grown in the U. S. will eventually wind up in practically everything we eat and use. He does a fabulous job of painting a picture of this river of corn and how it ebbs and flows throughout our lives eroding any dietary connection we once might have had to nature. Nature is after all a system based on diversity and here we see an entire nation built on and fueled by a single plant. The carbon in our flesh has even been tested and the findings were we are, after water, predominately corn. I was starting to think that there were too many chapters in this book about corn! It just kept going and going but once I realized how much it is entwined in our lives and how perhaps this is the only account of someone illuminating that truth it started to seem necessary. As those carbon tests showed we are what we eat, Pollan shows in his book we are what we eat eats. Just as diversity is the spice of life in an ecosystem so too is it necessary for the physical health of animals. We humans know that very well and apply it readily to our own diets but what happens when we don’t allow nature to run its course in the meals of our meals? The nutritional content suffers immensely; to the point where our entire notion of healthy foods is skewed. An example used by Pollan is our idea of the nutritional content in red meat and fish. It is considered self-evident that an excess of red meat will cause all sorts of health problems. Likewise it is pretty well known that most fish, especially salmon, is rich in the good omega 3 fats and should be a staple of our diets. Omega 3 fats are produced in the leaves of plants while omega 6 fats are produced in the seeds of plants. If a cow was grass fed he would produce a healthier steak than the fillet of a farm raised salmon. This is because that salmon is most likely raised on corn. One would think that the flip side of this coin would be an organic farm. Well that same person would probably be very shocked to read what Michael Pollan had to say about organic. People might even feel duped by places like Whole Foods. As it is described in the book organic should realistically be read â€Å"industrial organic† for the farms and slaughterhouses are hardly different at all. In fact, instead of steering it onto a whole new track the organic rules and regulations only make it that much harder to run a traditional industrial operation. What the author shows as the antithesis to industrial is pastoral. In this section he visits the polyface farm of Joel Salatin which is reminiscent of a farm you might find in the movie Babe. It is actually a huge relief to read about because up to this point in the book you are starting to question if this kind of farm even exists. In this parallel universe monoculture is a filthy word and the practices found in industrial food production are nothing short of reprehensible. This model mimics nature therefore it is complex and interdependent; each and every plant and animal are so entwined in each other’s existence it really begs the question ‘what came first the chicken or the egg? ’ But that is the whole point of polyface farming. Only through diversity (and remaining in the local market) can sustainable agriculture be achieved. Or put another way, all of our environmental/agricultural problems start from attempting to create a monoculture ecosystem. Ruminants graze the grass chewing about ? of the blade while simultaneously dropping cow pies. The bottom part of the grass that cows do not eat is favored by the chickens that follow in the hoof prints before them. Around this time the cow patties start to grow ripe with larvae which become extra protein for the chickens. While the chickens scratch around the cow dung they consequently spread the manure for the farmer. This is only a small piece of the pie in terms of the interactions between all species that live and work on polyface. This is also one of the cycles of nature that if left to its own devises extinguishes the farmers need for pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Salatin could be seen as the conductor while all the other organisms of the farm are the musicians and the instruments; he sees how nature works and makes sure all the conditions are perfect and helps nature along. With his many inventions and quirky optimistic attitude one can’t help but picture a cartoon character. Several times throughout the reading I was reminded of the industrial revolution; and not just because the industrial food chain was born out of it. I found it interesting how the industrial food chain resembled the industrial revolution in conditions only. It was bleak, mechanical, and the conditions the animals are kept in are just horrible and unsanitary. The mass wave of human innovation and change that came out of the industrial revolution is absent from that food system but are absolutely present at polyface. Obviously this is just one farm so the analogy might be weak but I feel the conditions of this one farm, if recreated and multiplied, could produce some amazing ideas and inspire positive change.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Technological Progress in Science, Arts and Literature

Technological Progress in Science, Arts and Literature Introduction Technology has an influence on the existence of human beings because it brings new risks as well as improving our lives. Technology has impacted a vast range of sectors ranging from health, sports, communication, and entertainment among other parameters. For instance, today individuals are anticipated to live longer as compared to the olden days due to the impacts of new technology in the medical sector. Scientific discoveries are made day by day thereby changing our world. Discussion Just like any other sectors, literature and arts field has also been significantly affected by the advancement in science and technological aspects in our world today. The manner in which art and literature works are presented has become completely different as compared to the early days before technological developments. Some of the rapidly growing art and literature aspects that have been affected by the advancement of science and technology include art application, graphic design; computer generated paintings, art blogs, Photoshop, 3D hacking, E-book, digitally created music, 3D scanning among others (Garcia Calantone, 2002). To begin, one of the literature industries that scientific and technological development has impacted significantly is the film and movie sector. Both digital and mechanical innovations have affected everything from production, distribution, and exhibition of film products. For instance, under production, the advanced technology has changed the manner in which films are shot especially with the use of some special effects. For example, the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is a technology that which implicates the computer graphics to unique effects. It is mainly used for visual effects since it makes the scenes controllable. For example, instead of employing the use of thousands of extras in a given scene as before, today CGI would be used for easier and simpler control. Also, many technologies today affect the distribution of films. For example, it is possible for individuals to view movies on portable devices in every location across the world. It is also possible to upload films on small devices and watch them at your discretion. The use of the internet has also simplified the viewing process of films both in legal and illegal means. For instance, an individual can download and view pirated copies free of charge on the internet. Finally, under film industry, the exhibition process of videos has been influenced as well. For instance, special effects have affected the manner in which videos are exhibited through the creation of new motives for the audience due to the special effects that are provided by the CGI technology. Besides, the digital technology has facilitated the creation of bigger and better films with numerous scenes which result into visceral pleasure for the viewers. Another key area in literature that has been transformed by the technological and scientific advancement is our reading and publishing of books. In this sector, self-publishing has been developed, and it has changed the world of books in various ways. For example, today, there is a broader understanding of publishing as compared to before. For an extended period, the publishing industry has suffered the irony that there is the only evidence of publishing when it is invisible. Today, since it is possible to publish brochures for fundraising or sports or even school cookbooks, individuals have learned the steps that are involved in publishing. Besides, due to the emergence of science and technological skills, the role of an author has continuously changed. As a result of media fragmentation in the recent years, publishers were dependent on the authors for marketing reasons, and this is a way of empowering. Because authors can meet their readers during the marketing process more so at literary festivals, or by tweeting or running blogs, they get to know their readers well and do not have to rely on publishers for relationship mediation purposes. The duty of agents has as well changed due to this type of advancement. Initially, the role of agents was to introduce the ingenuine authors to potential investors then associating with them in building long-term careers. However, due to the emergence of many self-publishing authors, agents have found it difficult since the self-publishing authors interact with the readers themselves and therefore agents are expected to identify other areas in which to direct their efforts. Finally, as a result of technological and scientific improvements, the issue is not only about making money. Self-publishing means that an individual assumes a personal responsibility to manage and produce their content which can be effectively achieved through one copy which is kept at home as the sale of many copies online. In other words, self-publishing means that a person recognizes and preserves the content which has value for another person; however, the process does not have to result in earning an income solely. Technological and scientific advancements have also altered the manner in which authors of various items do their work. According to Nietzsche, our writing instruments also work on our thoughts (Carr, 2008). Therefore, Nietzsche acquired a writing ball which compensated for his failed eyesight. This is one instance in which technology changed the manner in which literature works can be presented. The emergence of writing tools and machines has transformed writing to a great extent. Technology has not only changed an individuals styles of writing, but it also has pronunciation on literary establishment entirely. Style can be something that is tangible, but it is built from an individuals words and phrases with academic specialization of stylometry which is intended to its study and elusively associates with the authors unique feel and voice of their prose. With the invention of computers, word processing programs have entirely changed everything. For example, revision has become a considerably easy task. In fact, the difference between composition and revision has completely eroded. For example, today there are writing devices which direct the user through a draft without any stoppage for revision. Word processors have as well found their way to settings and plots in a similar way that typewriters did. Also, literary production circumstances have also changed. For example, in 1983, John Updike dismissed his secretary since he got a word processor (Kirschenbaum, 2014). Apart from style, the sense of the text has also changed due to technological advancement. For example, word processing has enabled writers to grasp manuscripts wholly. Initially, the manuscript was available through search functions. In fact, entire passages could be moved at the users will thereby reordering chapters and sections. The advancement in technology and science has also led to the development of modern literature. There has been an evolution from the gramophone and telegraph to cyberspace and cinema due to technological changes. Each technological breakthrough is accompanied by its changes in literature. Tablet computers, TV and Smartphone have threatened the cultural authority of books thereby shattering the attention or destroying reading. New communication technologies always produce new frameworks that often adjust the appearance of literature i.e. file window, website or even the screen and page. For example, with the help of technology, Walter Benjamin, a commentator, incorporated a technique of rapid intercutting g and jump cuts into a particular form of writing. This was a way in which traffic literature absorbed the film technologies. Concerning art, technology has redefined it in a strange and new ways. Individuals have created works by moving through laser beams or common data that has been gathered from the air pollution. Technology has improvised new ways through which artists express themselves. For instance, the lasers i.e. which are brush strokes, particularly in London one, is known as Assemblance whose design is aimed at encouraging visitors to create light structures and drawings of the floor through the use of colored lasers beams together with smokes. An experience known as Petting Zoo is another favorite digital revolution in the art arena. This involves the snake-like tubes which hung from the ceiling. These tubes may bend move and change colors depending on the way that they have read your sound, movement, and touch. If an individual is simply standing, the tubes will also stand bored. This artwork was developed by Minimaforms which is a design group with the aim of providing a glimpse of future when robots will be capable of reading our moods and react with kindness (Pschera, 2016). The progression of science and technology has also remarkably changed film animation. Several years back, the only way in which an individual would come up with cartoons was hand making frame by frame. However, today many cartoons are made with flash after some software which has interpolation features. In other words, this would mean that an individual doesnt have to draw all the frames for the production of movement illusion. The invention of zoetrope and the current technology has enabled the creation of graphic animation and the evolution of cartoons from 2D to the 3D format and stereoscopic 3D (Adar, Dontcheva, Fogarty Weld, 2008). It is possible to release animated movies across the globe which has become the top-grossing movies over the years. Technological advancement has brought massive changes in this sector, and if a comparison is made between the first cartoon that was made and the current animation, an individual would be convinced that a period is coming when everything would be possible. Technology continuously continues their development, and it has created the movement on a flat screen by making flat images to constantly and rapidly pass on the screen one after the other so that illusion is created. It is possible for a person to catch their favorite cartoons online in their laptops, Smartphone or iPad in high quality due to this technology. Many new cartoons are also made with the 3D software. However, creativity and studies and psychology character definition are required to achieve this. Technology has also improved the difference between modern and classical animated cartoons. For instance, a person who was born in the past century can evidently notice the difference and the unique nature between the old and new cartoons. However, the characters and features of cartoons are almost similar only that those for today are fancy as compared to those for the olden days. Animators and the animation studios continuously combine the latest technological and scientific advances with the naturally born and creative talents to push and raise the levels of possibilities especially to ensure that they come up with the most recent versions of cartoons which are fancier as compared to cartoons of the earlier generations. The final area that has been considerably impacted by the new scientific and technological advancement methodology is writing literary works. Some literary techniques have been improvised to deepen the fiction that an individual has and also to facilitate adequate communication of the intended meaning. The writer is free to use as many techniques as they would want to their literature work as long as they effectively relay their intended information or message. First, there is the use of allegory in which the writer comes up with a story whereby the characters and events bring out a system of symbolic meaning. Symbolism is another technique that can be used in presenting literary work by authors. In this instance, the writer is free to use n action, object, character or word within the story to suggest something but its not its actual dictionary meaning. Irony can also be used, and it has three types. First is verbal irony in which the intended meaning of a statement varies from the actual meaning. It is in most instances referred to as sarcasm. Secondly is the situational irony which occurs when the intended outcome of a particular action is different from the real result. The final type of irony is dramatic. In this case, the audience is more aware of the situation of the character than the characters does. Finally, due to advancement in todays literary works, there is also use of figurative language which creates a meaningful and exciting story. This type of language makes a comparison between different things. The figurative language includes simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole. The use of figurative language is essential since it gives the audience a clear image of what is being referred to by the performer or the author of an article. This, therefore, makes it easier for the public to synthesize and visualize what the author is talking about. Conclusion It is evident that science and technological advancement has not left out any sector when it comes to its application in various fields. Just like all other areas, art and literary has experienced a vast impact as a result of technological advancements. As the research paper has provided, numerous changes have been noticed especially in the video and film industries. The processes of production, distribution, and exhibition of a video film have substantially improved due to the introduction of CGI which has made it easier to combine many effects easier and more quickly as compared to the initial days. I think that technological advancement is a good thing since it has enhanced innovation and creativity thereby simplifying tasks to be much easier as opposed to olden days when it could take long before completing a particular task. References Adar, E., Dontcheva, M., Fogarty, J., Weld, D. S. (2008, October). Zoetrope: interacting with the ephemeral web. In Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (pp. 239-248). ACM. Carr, N. (2008). Is Google making us stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains (Vol. 1). July. Garcia, R., Calantone, R. (2002). A critical look at technological innovation typology and innovativeness terminology: a literature review. Journal of product innovation management, 19(2), 110-132. Kirschenbaum, M. (2014). Operating Systems of the Mind: Bibliography After Word Processing (The Example of Updike). The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 108(4), 380-412. Pschera, A. (2016). Animal Internet: Nature and the Digital Revolution. New Vessel Press.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Technology Trends and Issues :: essays research papers fc

Defining Technological Literacy Given the current state of technology, a researcher should have little difficulty in finding relevant definitions that embody a spirited understanding of underlying technical and societal interactions that craft a view of the technically literate person. As an exercise, extracting the common elements from various experts’ definitions of technological literacy should result in a generalized perspective that would provide a foundation supporting further literacy definitions for aspects of technology such as computers or genetics. However, this is easier than it sounds. As Gagel (1997) confirms, â€Å"defining technological literacy has proven to be an unexpectedly complex and difficult task†. The difficulty in defining technological literacy is exposed by a number of factors. One factor relates to understanding perspective and determining whether the term is best defined by putting the emphasis on â€Å"technology† or â€Å"literacy† or whether the subject is best approached laterally. Indeed, Gagel describes the technological literacy from a technology perspective as opposed to defining literacy and then establishing parameters supporting technological literacy. Perhaps this approach contributed to the author’s difficulty in defining the term. As technology is so diverse and crosses many boundaries, perhaps the definition of technological literacy should do likewise, and not be restricted to either a â€Å"technology† or â€Å"literacy† perspective. Another factor contributing to the difficulty in defining technological literacy involves the improperly weighting of computer influence on the term’s definition. In a speech given by former President, Bill Clinton, this misunderstanding is propagated further. He states, â€Å"Today, technological literacy – computer skills and the ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning, productivity and performance – is a new basic that our students must master. â€Å" (Clinton, n.d.) Clearly, this mindset is remiss and precludes the contribution of myriad other technologies affecting our daily lives. According to Harrison, â€Å"Computer literacy is but a subset of technological literacy, but if this mindset is not encouraged, then the richness of technological literacy will not be passed on to next generations. As technologists, we have the daunting task of reversing this rapidly flowing river.† (Harrison, 2000) So, the question is how to define â€Å"technological literacy† without being trapped in too narrow a perspective and without utilizing a specific technology to add meaning to the term. It is important that society controls technology for it to serve us purposefully in our daily lives and lifestyle in general. For us to control technology, an understanding and knowledge is required to allow us to make informative decisions on how it will affect our lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Describe The Scope Of Business Ethics

The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. Ethics as normative science deals with moral ideal or the good in order to enquire the nature of our conduct. It enquires into the nature of the springs of actions, motives, intentions, voluntary actions and so on. It determines rightness or wrongness of human actions. It does not enquire into the origin and growth of human conduct. As a science of morality ethics discusses the contents of moral consciousness and the various problems of moral consciousness.Ethics is concerned with the highest good or absolute good. It investigates the nature of its fundamental notions i. e. right, duty and good. Moral judgments passed on our voluntary actions are also included within the scope of ethics. In discussing the moral judgment it has also to concern with the nature, object, faculty and standard of moral judgment. Moral sentiments and feelings are arising in our mind when we contemplate about the moral judgment and therefore, ethics has to di scuss the nature of moral sentiments to moral judgment.The scope of ethics includes whatever has reference to free human acts, whether as principle or cause of action (law, conscience, virtue), or as effect or circumstance of action (merit, punishment, etc. ) Ethics discusses the nature of human freedom. Ethics investigates what constitutes good or bad, just or unjust. It also inquires into-what is virtue, law, conscience and duty? What obligations are common to all? What is the good in all good acts? These questions lie within the scope of ethics. The sense of duty, oughtness or moral obligation and the responsibility for actions are also included within the range of ethics.The particular aspect under which ethics considers free acts is that of their moral goodness or the rectitude of order involved in them as human acts. A man may be a good artist or orator and at the same time a morally bad man, or, conversely, a morally good man may be a poor artist or technician. Ethics has mer ely to do with the order which relates to man as man and which makes of him a good man. Thus we find that although Ethics is not a guidebook of moral rules as a branch of philosophy Ethics seeks clarification of terms used in moral language.The ‘meta-ethical† problems fall within the scope of philosophical aspect of Ethics. There are other ‘meta ethical discussions related to the nature of moral judgments, the logical basis of ethical evaluation etc. The applied dimension of Ethics is known as â€Å"Applied Ethics’ that falls within the broad field of Ethics. These comprise the areas of situational Ethics while Meta Ethics deals with logical and semantic questions like ‘What do we mean by â€Å"freedom† and â€Å"determinism† etc.Ethics is essentially related to all other branches of knowledge like sociology, political science, jurisprudence, law and legal study, psychology, anthropology, culture study, ecology and environmental study, e conomics, religion, aesthetics and other similar areas. Ethics is concerned with political, sociological, cultural, psychical, economic, environmental, religious problems in pursuit of highest good. So these problems have an additional place in the scope of ethics. With the emergence of new technology there is scope for widening the scope of ethics to address new issues

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Redneck Style †Creative Writing Essay

My Redneck Style – Creative Writing Essay Free Online Research Papers Redneck: Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class†¦ A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude. This culture is often miss-interpreted. We are often confused with the stereotype of â€Å"white trash†, though we share an abundance of the same traits. We are a culture comprised of boots and old jeans, and we are brought up with lessons taught to us by our parents. The word can be used as a pejorative phrase, but to us it is used as a matter of pride. Although the stereotypes related to social behaviors, intelligence, and prejudice are applied to rednecks; they are respectful people full of love for the outdoors, and everlasting pride. Rednecks are often misjudged. There are seen as being disrespectful, racist people. Though this may true for some rednecks, it is not true for all. I for example, am not a racist person. I believe more in respecting everything including people and nature. Rednecks are usually brought up by there parents to be respectful. We try to stay strong to our teachings and remember the words of our elders. Respecting nature is a great deal to this subculture because we love it so much. If I get the choice of being inside or outside, my choice is always outside. We love to spend as much time outside as possible; camping, fishing, four-wheeling, etcetera. There is something about waking up in the woods to the fresh air, getting up and smelling and seeing the nature all around you. Back to the subject of four-wheeling, we love our trucks. A great way to tell if someone belongs to the redneck subculture is if they have a big truck with enormous tires, and a Confederate flag or an American flag. People often misunderstand what the Confederate flag represents to us, for it doesn’t represent racism and slavery. It has a greater meaning than just that. It more represents the way of the southern life. What some do not realize is that not only did the south have slaves, but slavery was very strong in the north. Rednecks have many traits are often seen as ignorant, but we come off that way because we have a tremendous amount of pride. Most of our pride is for our country, for our family comes fist closely followed by the U.S.A. Rednecks are often misunderstood, and the majority of people don’t really know what a redneck really is. Here is a man that truly understands what his culture is. Being a redneck is being proud of your roots and a true love for your father’s name. Where family and friends are first and strangers are just a vague, dismal blur in the distance. Rednecks are good ol boys/gals†¦Their necks are red and maybe their arms, too, cause they work hard and out in the heat all day. The group that is ridiculed by most, but deep down envied by all. Big truck tires, huntin’, fishin’, tractor pulls, country music, Charlie Daniels, and rebel flags†¦They usually drive pickup trucks with loud sounds that can usually be heard before seen. Most people just can’t understand how you can have such a weird lifestyle of cowboy hats and buckles†¦How can your friends be more important than yourself? This might be a question from a typical non-redneck. Where the outdoors are loved and where blue-collar labor is not looked down on but a way of life. Where hard hats are worn instead of pocket protectors. Where steel toe boots are worn instead of nice loafers. Where blue jeans and a flannel are preferred to a nice coat and tie. Rednecks are the people that make the world go round! -Jay Stanton Though people like to apply stereotypes to the redneck subculture, they are much deeper people then that. We are not the ‘racist slobs’ people see us as, for we are a prideful group full of respect for others and for the outdoors. Research Papers on My Redneck Style - Creative Writing Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraWhere Wild and West MeetComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoHip-Hop is ArtQuebec and CanadaThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeCapital PunishmentHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay